Monday, December 17, 2012


This post should come at no surprise to the people that know me. It's a good thing the cold weather has commenced and I can now blame my odd beanie obsession on the cold and not the laziness distracting me from doing my hair each morning. But really, its freezing back up in Northern California and my lack of winter clothes is becoming apparent. Finals are over, I worked my butt off (didn't sleep for a week) and felt it only necessary to treat myself with a "you're done with finals" present. After a trip to my favorite local boutique, the typical, yet ULTIMATE, little black beanie was a top my head and alas we were ready to enter a battle field of crowded malls and christmas shopping madness.  

This madness set way to my two week break back home for the holidays. Two weeks where reminiscing with old friends, indulging in Chicken #1's from the local Pete's Brass Rail, and basking in Christmas decorations that hang in every corner, never get old. 

Forever21 Denim (similiar here)
Zara Shoes 
LF Tank 
Forever21 Rings

As I'm writing my way over due post, a majority of the news streaming in the background pays tribute to the Sandy Shooting that occurred in Connecticut. My prayers and condolences go out to the families that struck by this devastating tragedy. These events shouldn't be what puts one's world into perspective, but it's sometimes not until these times that we realize how often we over look the important people and amazing lives we have. Remember to love, continue to show love and don't forget the people who mean the most to you.



  1. Wow I love that jacket! And the beanie and the ripped jeans.


  2. I am as well very pleasured that the beanie season is amongst us

  3. Great outfit. It's a good mix of casual and dressed up. I especially love the jeans.


  4. Love this whole look with the classy pumps. :)
